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Children (0-14 years)

Demographics and culture


  • Total number of children aged 0–14 based on the Estimated Resident Population (ERP).

  • Proportion (%) of the total ERP that were aged 0–14.

Available by

  • Sex: males, females, persons.

  • Indigenous status: First Nations, non-Indigenous.

Data period(s)

30 June 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ERP (2021 Census based) (ABS 2023).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories.

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


Data for percentages have been suppressed if the denominator was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.


  • The denominator for the age-specific and sex-specific proportions, is the total First Nations ERP.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.

  • For more information about the ABS ERP is available on the data sources page.


  • Number and proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 0–14 in each age group.

Available by

5 years age groups:  0–4, 5–9 and 10–14 years.

Data period

30 June 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ERP (2021 Census based) (ABS 2023).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories.

  • Indigenous structures: IREG.


Data for percentages have been suppressed if the denominator was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.


  • The denominator for the age-specific proportions is the total First Nations ERP.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.

  • For more information about the ABS ERP is available on the data sources page.


  • Total number of people aged 0–14.

  • Children aged 0–14 as a proportion (%) of the total population, by sex, Indigenous status and age group

Available by

  • Sex: males, females, persons.

  • Indigenous status: First Nations, non-Indigenous.

  • 5-year age group: 0–4, 5–9 and 10–14 years.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

Main structure: Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).


Data for percentages have been suppressed if the denominator was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.


  • Data presented for region types are based on the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3.

  • Data are based on place of usual residence (that is, the place where a person usually lives). It may or may not be the place the person was counted on Census night.

  • The denominator for proportions, is the total (all ages) number of First Nations people in the selected region, and the denominator for non-Indigenous Australians is the total number of non-Indigenous Australians in the region.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people who were aged 0–14.

Available by

Remoteness area: Major Cities, Inner regional, Outer regional, Remote, Very remote.

Data period

30 June 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ERP (2021 Census based) (ABS 2023).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


Data for percentages have been suppressed if the denominator was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.


  • The Remoteness Structure defines Remoteness Areas for the purpose of releasing and analysing statistics. Remoteness Areas (RA) divide Australia into five classes of remoteness which are characterised by a measure of relative geographic access to services. Access to services is measured using the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia Plus (ARIA+). For more information refer to the ABS website.

  • The denominator for proportions, is the total First Nations ERP across all remoteness categories.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.

  • For more information about the ABS ERP is available on the data sources page.


  • Number of First Nations babies born (live births).

  • Proportion (%) of live births that were First Nations babies.

Data period

3-year period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021 (2019–2021).

Data source

National Perinatal Data Collection (NPDC).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories.

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Numbers less than 5 have been suppressed for confidentiality reasons. Consequential suppression has also been applied where required to prevent back-calculation.

  • Data for percentages have been suppressed if the denominator was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.


  • Indigenous status is based on baby’s Indigenous status.

  • The data associated with each record in the NPDC include the Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2) of residence of the mother. The SA2 variable was used to aggregate and concord data as necessary to IREG and SA4. Includes Australian non-residents, residents of external territories and records where state/territory of residence was not stated. Includes Australian non-residents, residents of external territories and records where state/territory of residence was not stated.

  • In the NPDC, data for 2019, 2020 and 2021 are based on the 2016 ASGS. For this analysis, SA2 were concorded to IREG before being aggregated. Data were aggregated and apportioned to the reported region types.


Proportion (%) of First Nations children aged 0–14 by language spoken at home.

Language spoken at home categories

  • Indigenous Australian languages

  • English

  • Other languages.

Data period

30 June 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ERP (2021 Census based) (ABS 2023).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if language spoken at home was not stated for >50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been flagged as interpret with caution if language spoken at home was not stated for 25%–50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • The denominator for proportions, is total number of respondents, excluding those for whom information on language spoken at home was not stated.

  • Data are based on responses to the Census question: ‘Does the person speak a language other than English at Home?’ Where the answer was yes, the respondent was asked to specify the language. Only one response could be provided, with the instructions indicating that if more than one language other than English is spoken, they should write the one that is spoken most often.

  • Data are based on place of usual residence (that is, the place where a person usually lives). It may or may not be the place the person was counted on Census night.


Proportion (%) of First Nations children aged 3–14 by Indigenous language use category.

Language use categories

  • Learning and Indigenous language

  • Speaks an Indigenous language

  • Understad an Indigenous language.

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2014–15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (AIHW & NIAA 2020).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Denominator for the percentages excludes First Nations people whose information on Indigenous language use was not applicable, not known or not stated.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of First Nations children aged 5–14, by whether they recognised an area as homelands or traditional country.

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2014–15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (AIHW & NIAA 2020).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Denominator for the percentages excludes First Nations children whose information on whether they recognised homelands or traditional country was not applicable, not known or not stated.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of First Nations children aged 5–14, by number of days spent per week with community leaders or elders.

Days per week categories

  • One or more days

  • Less than one day

  • Never

  • No time spent with leaders/elders.

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2014–15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (AIHW & NIAA 2020).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Denominator for the percentages excludes First Nations children whose information the number od days spent with community leaders or elders was not known or not stated.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.

Health and wellbeing


  • Number of First Nations people aged 15–24, by whether long-term health condition(s) were reported.

  • Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 15–24, by whether long-term health condition(s) were reported and sex.

Long-term health conditions categories

  • One or more long-term health conditions

  • No long-term health conditions.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for >50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for 25%–50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • Count of long-term health condition data is derived from responses to the long-term health conditions question: ‘has the person been told by a doctor or nurse that they have any of these long-term health conditions?’.

  • This was a new question for the 2021 ABS Census of Population and Housing.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 15−24, by number of selected long-term health conditions reported.

Number of conditions reported categories

  • One

  • Two

  • Three or more.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for >50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for 25%–50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • Count of long-term health condition data is derived from responses to the long-term health conditions question: ‘has the person been told by a doctor or nurse that they have any of these long-term health conditions?’. It only includes those who reported one of the selected long-term health conditions (arthritis; asthma; cancer; dementia; diabetes; heart disease; kidney disease; lung condition; mental health condition; stroke).

  • This was a new question for the 2021 ABS Census of Population and Housing.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 15−24 with a core activity need for assistance.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for >50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for 25%–50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • Denominator for the proportions excludes First Nations people whose information on whether needed assistance with core activities was not stated.

  • To determine if a person’s need for assistance in one or more of the three core activity areas is due to a long-term health condition, disability or old age, the question on the Census form asks, ‘What are the reasons for the need for assistance or supervision?’ (ABS 2021).

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 15−24, by disability status.

Disability status categories

  • Living with a disability

  • Not living with a disability.

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) (ABS 2019a, 2019b).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Data are based on AIHW analysis of ABS microdata (ABS 2019a).

  • Living with a disability category includes profound, severe, moderate, and mild core activity limitations, and schooling/employment restriction.


Number of deaths from all causes among First Nations people.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons.

Data period


Data source

AIHW National Mortality Database.

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of deaths is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Data have been suppressed for sensitivity considerations when the number of deaths is between 5 and 9, using primary suppression only.


  • Deaths registered in 2018–2022 for the age group 0-14 years and identified as of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) origin. The analysis excluded deaths where Indigenous status was non-Indigenous or not stated.

  • The First Nations origin of a deceased person is captured in death registration via the Death Registration From (DRF) and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). The use of both the DRF and MCCD has varied over time and across the jurisdictions. In 2022, New South Wales started using both to derive Indigenous status, bringing the derivation in line with all other states and territories except Victoria. This change has led to improved recording of Indigenous status, but also introduced a break in time series data for NSW and Australia. For its impact and further information, see the ABS methodology notes on Deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (

  • Versions of data: deaths registered in years 2018 and 2019 – Final; 2020 – Revised; 2021 and 2022 – Preliminary. Revised and preliminary versions were subject to further revision by the ABS.

  • Deaths were counted according to year of registration of death and the region of usual residence.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory, data at the SA4 level were aggregated from Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) by truncating the digits of the SA2 codes. For the Australian Capital Territory, the state and SA4 data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundary.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, data at the IREG level were aggregated from SA2s by using ABS Indigenous population-weighted geographic correspondences. For the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, the state and IREG data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundaries.For more information about Australian mortality data, including scope and coverage of the collection and a quality declaration, please refer to Deaths, Australia and Causes of death, Australia available from the ABS website.


  • Number of deaths due to 5 leading causes of death among First Nations people.

  • Proportion (%) of deaths due to 5 leading causes of death among First Nations people.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons.

Data period


Data source

AIHW National Mortality Database (NMD).

Region types

Main structures: Australia.


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of deaths is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Data have been suppressed for sensitivity considerations when the number of deaths is between 5 and 9, using primary suppression only.

  • Proportions have been suppressed due to concerns about volatility when the denominator is less than 100.


  • Deaths registered in 2018–2022 for the age group 0-14 years and identified as of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) origin.

  • The First Nations origin of a deceased person is captured in death registration via the Death Registration From (DRF) and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). The use of both the DRF and MCCD has varied over time and across the jurisdictions. In 2022, New South Wales started using both to derive Indigenous status, bringing the derivation in line with all other states and territories except Victoria. This change has led to improved recording of Indigenous status, but also introduced a break in time series data for NSW and Australia. For its impact and further information, see the ABS methodology notes on Deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (

  • Versions of data: deaths registered in years 2018 and 2019 – Final; 2020 – Revised; 2021 and 2022 – Preliminary. Revised and preliminary versions were subject to further revision by the ABS.

  • Cause of death information was based on underlying cause of death and classified according to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). The causes were ranked by using the AIHW-modified version of groupings recommended by the WHO Becker et al. (2006). A method for deriving leading causes of death. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84: 297–304.

  • Deaths were counted according to year of registration of death.

  • Cause of Death Unit Record File data were provided to the AIHW by the Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages and the National Coronial Information System (managed by the Victorian Department of Justice) and included cause of death coded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The data were maintained by the AIHW in the NMD.


  • Number of deaths that were potentially avoidable among First Nations people.

  • Proportion (%) of deaths that were potentially avoidable among First Nations people.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons.

Data period


Data source

AIHW National Mortality Database (NMD).

Region types

Main structures: Australia.


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of deaths is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Data have been suppressed for sensitivity considerations when the number of deaths is between 5 and 9, using primary suppression only.

  • Proportions have been suppresseddue to concerns about data volatility when the denominator is less than 100.


  • Deaths registered in 2018–2022 for the age group 0-14 years and identified as of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) origin. The analysis excluded deaths where Indigenous status was non-Indigenous or not stated.

  • The First Nations origin of a deceased person is captured in death registration via the Death Registration From (DRF) and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). The use of both the DRF and MCCD has varied over time and across the jurisdictions. In 2022, New South Wales started using both to derive Indigenous status, bringing the derivation in line with all other states and territories except Victoria. This change has led to improved recording of Indigenous status, but also introduced a break in time series data for NSW and Australia. For its impact and further information, see the ABS methodology notes on Deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (

  • Versions of data: deaths registered in years 2018 and 2019 – Final; 2020 – Revised; 2021 and 2022 – Preliminary. Revised and preliminary versions were subject to further revision by the ABS.

  • Cause of death information was based on underlying cause of death and was classified according to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10).

  • Potentially avoidable deaths (PADs) were deaths among people aged under 75 that were avoidable in the context of the present health care system. PADs include deaths from conditions that were potentially preventable through individualised care and/or treatable through existing primary or hospital care. PADs were classified using nationally agreed definitions (AIHW 2022. National Healthcare Agreement: PI 16–Potentially Avoidable Deaths, 2022. <>).

  • Deaths were counted according to year of registration of death.

  • Cause of Death Unit Record File data were provided to the AIHW by the Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages and the National Coronial Information System (managed by the Victorian Department of Justice) and included cause of death coded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The data were maintained by the AIHW in the NMD.

Social and economic


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 0-14, by type of educational institute currently attending.

Type of educational institute categories

  • Secondary school

  • TAFE, technical college, business college or industry centre

  • University or other higher education institution.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for >50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been suppressed if long-term health condition was not stated for 25%–50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


Denominator for the percentages excludes people where type of educational institution currently attending was not stated.


School attendance rate among First Nations people, by schooling year group

Schooling year groups

  • Years 1-6

  • Years 7-10

  • Years 1-10

Data period


Data source

ACARA National Student Attendance Data Collection

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


For more information see Student attendance.


  • Proportion of First Nations children who were at or above the national minimin standards for numeracy, by select schooling years

  • Proportion of First Nations children who were at or above the national minimin standards for reading, by select schooling years

  • Proportion of First Nations children who were at or above the national minimin standards for spelling, by select schooling years

  • Proportion of First Nations children who were at or above the national minimin standards for writing, by select schooling years

Schooling year categories

  • Year 3

  • Year 5

  • Year 7

  • Year 9

Data period


Data source

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


For more information see NAPLAN.


Proportion (%) of First National people aged 0-14, by equivalised household income group.

Equivalised household income groups ($ per week)

  • Under $300

  • $300−$499

  • $500−$799

  • $800−$1,249

  • $1,250 or more.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for percentages was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if equivalised household income was not stated for >50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been suppressed if equivalised household income was not stated for 25%–50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • Denominator for the percentages excludes people whose information on equivalised household income was not stated.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


  • Proportion (%) of people aged 0-14 living in appropriately sized (not overcrowded) housing, by Indigenous status.

  • Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 0-14 living in overcrowded housing.

Available by

Indigenous status: First Nations, non-Indigenous.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if responses to the relevant data item(s) were not stated or adequately described for 50% or more of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been flagged as interpret with caution if responses to the relevant data item(s) were not stated or adequately described for 25–<50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • This measure is based on the Housing Suitability variable, which compares the number of bedrooms in a dwelling with a series of household demographics, such as the number of usual residents, their relationship to each other, age and sex. The criteria are based on the Canadian National Occupancy Standard (CNOS).

  • Appropriately sized housing means the CNOS criteria are met by the number of bedrooms.

  • Overcrowded households are those which would require at least one extra bedroom to accommodate the usual residents, in accordance with the CNOS.

  • Excludes households for which Housing Suitability could not be determined.

  • Non-classifiable households were excluded. These include visitor only households, occupied households that could not be contacted, households containing only persons aged under 15, households that could not be classified because there was insufficient information on the Census form.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of people aged 0-14 living in private dwellings, by household tenure type.

Tenure type categories

  • Owned outright/with a mortgage/shared equity

  • Renters

  • Rent free

  • Life tenure/other tenure.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.

  • Data have been suppressed if responses to the relevant data item(s) were not stated or adequately described for 50% or more of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.

  • Data have been flagged as interpret with caution if responses to the relevant data item(s) were not stated or adequately described for 25–<50% of the relevant population, due to relatively high exposure to potential bias.


  • ‘Owned’ homes include those owned without a mortgage, owned with a mortgage, and those being purchased under a shared equity scheme.

  • ‘Rented (Private and other landlord)’ homes include those being rented from a real estate agent, person not in the same household, or other landlord type.

  • ‘Rented (Social housing)’ homes include those being rented from a state/territory housing authority, housing co-operative, community or church group.

  • Denominator excludes households for which tenure type or landlord type was not stated.

  • Non-classifiable households were excluded. These include visitor only households, occupied households that could not be contacted, households containing only persons aged under 15, households that could not be classified because there was insufficient information on the Census form.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Estimated proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 0-14 who were homeless on Census night.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed if the total count was under 3.

  • Data have been suppressed if the denominator for the percentage was less than 100, due to concerns about the reliability of percentages based on small denominators.


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been underenumerated in the Census and therefore, estimates of homelessness based on Census data will be an underestimation.

  • The ABS’ definition of homelessness has been developed for application to the general population in Australia.

  • People counted as homeless were assigned to one of 6 Homeless Operational Groups, following an ordered hierarchy:

    1. Persons living in improvised dwellings, tents or sleeping out

    2. Persons living in short term supported accommodation for the homeless

    3. Persons staying temporarily with other households

    4. Persons living in boarding houses

    5. Persons living temporarily in other lodgings

    6. Persons living in severely crowded dwellings

For example, people who usually lived in severely crowded households but were living in an improvised dwelling, tent or sleeping out on Census night would be counted within the 1st operational group and not the 6th.

  • The Homeless Operational Group, “Persons living in ‘severely’ crowded dwellings”, refers to usual residents in dwellings needing 4 or more extra bedrooms under the Canadian National Occupancy Standard (CNOS).

    • This group is included as homeless on the basis that individual residents are unlikely to have control of and access to space for social relations.

    • Some people in this operational group may not consider themselves to be homeless.

    • In some areas, like Very Remote parts of the Northern Territory, severe overcrowding is particularly common among First Nations households. In such areas, First Nations Australians enumerated in this operational group can make up over 90% of the First Nations population counted as homeless.

  • Geographical breakdowns were based on Place of Enumeration. Some people may have been away from their usual residence (where applicable) on the night of the Census.

  • Data have been randomly adjusted by the ABS to protect confidentiality. No reliance should be placed on small numbers.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 0-14 living in households experiencing housing stress.

Data period

Census night (10 August) 2021

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing (Census) (ABS 2022).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Households with housing stress are households that spend more than 30% of their income on housing costs.

Health risk factors and services


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 15–24, by Body Mass Index (BMI) category.

BMI categories

  • Underweight (BMI of under 18.5)

  • Normal weight (18.5–24.9)

  • Overweight (25.0–29.9)

  • Obese (30.0 or over).

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) (ABS 2019a, 2019b).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Data are based on AIHW analysis of ABS microdata (ABS 2019a).

  • A BMI score is calculated using the formula weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in metres).

  • BMI classification differs by age, refer to NATSIHS survey methodology for more information.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 2-14 meeting guidelines for fruit and vegetable intake.

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) (ABS 2019a, 2019b).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Data are based on AIHW analysis of ABS microdata (ABS 2019a).

  • People aged 2-14 were considered to have met the guidelines for fruit consumption if they usually consumed: one serve for those aged 2–3 years and two serves for those aged four years and over. One serve is approximately 150 grams of fresh fruit or 30 grams of dried fruit (ABS 2019d).

  • For children aged 2-14 years, the recommended number of serves of vegetables per day was: three serves for those aged 2–3 years five serves for those aged 4–8 years; five serves for those aged 9–11 years; six serves for boys aged 12–17 years; five serves for girls aged 12–17 years. One serve is approximately half a cup of cooked vegetables or one cup of salad vegetables — equivalent to approximately 75 grams (ABS 2019d).



  • Number of patients who received a health check for First Nations people.

  • Proportion of the First Nations population who received a health check for First Nations people.

Available by

  • Sex: males, females, persons.

  • Year: 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23.

Data period

2018-19 to 2022–23

Data sources

  • Medicare Benefits Schedules (MBS)

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) population estimates and projections (series b).


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of patients is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Proportions have been suppressed when the denominator is less than 100 due to concerns about data volatility.

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Health checks for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 0-14 years.

  • The MBS items for the health checks were: 715, 228, 92004, 92011, 92016, 92023. They were intended for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, so all recipients were assumed to be First Nations people.

  • The minimum time allowed between health checks is 9 months. People may receive more than one health check in a financial year. The analysis counted patients only once each year.

  • To calculate proportions, population data were aligned with 30 June, that is, the end of the financial year. First Nations population estimates were modelled by the AIHW using ABS population estimates and projections (series b) based on the 2016 Census.

  • Demographic and geographic information of the patient was also aligned with or close to the end of financial year, using age as of 30 June and mailing address (postcode) for the patient’s last health check in a financial year to derive area of residence.

  • Demographic and geographic information was based on the patient’s Medicare enrolment,

  • Postcodes may not always reflect where patients live – particularly for those using PO boxes.

  • MBS data were reported by date of service. Only MBS services processed on or before 31 March 2024 were included in the analysis.


  • Number of hospitalisations (excluding dialysis)

  • Rate (per 1,000) of hospitalisations (excluding dialysis).

Available by

  • Sex: males, females, persons.

  • Indigenous status: First Nations, non-Indigenous.

  • Year: 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22.

Data period

2017-18 to 2021-22

Data sources

  • National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD).

  • ABS population estimates and projections (series B) based on the 2016 Census.

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of hospitalisation episodes is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Rates have been suppressed when the denominator is less than 100 due to concerns about data volatility.


  • Data were annual totals for people aged 0-14 years, based on usual residence of the patient – not on location of the hospital.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory, data at the SA4 level were aggregated from Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) by truncating the digits of the SA2 codes. For the Australian Capital Territory, the state and SA4 data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundary.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, data at the IREG level were aggregated from SA2s by using ABS Indigenous population-weighted geographic correspondences. For the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, the state and IREG data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundaries.

  • For the denominator in the rates, First Nations population estimates were modelled by the AIHW using ABS population estimates and projections (series B) based on the 2016 Census. Population estimates for non-Indigenous Australians were derived by subtracting First Nations population estimates from the total Australian estimated resident population.

  • Hospitalisations with the care types “newborn with unqualified days only” (7.3), “organ procurement - posthumous” (9) or “hospital boarder” (10) were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations where Indigenous status was not stated (code 9) were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations where the first five digits of SA2 codes were 10702 or 12402 were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations with a principal diagnosis of dialysis (ICD-10 code Z49) were excluded from the analysis.


  • Number of hospitalisations due to top 5 reasonsamong First Nations people.

  • Proportion of all hospitalisations due to top 5 reasons among First Nations people.

Available by

Sex: males, females, persons

Data period

2017-18 to 2021-22

Data source

National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of deaths is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Proportions have been suppressed when the denominator is less than 100 due to concerns about data volatility.


  • Data were fivefinancial yearscombined for people aged 0-14 years, based on usual residence of the patient – not on location of the hospital.

  • Data at the IREG level were aggregated from SA2s by using ABS Indigenous population-weighted geographic correspondences.

  • Hospitalisations were grouped into 20 categories based on principal diagnosis coded to the ICD-10-AM codes (in parenthesis).

  1. Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00–B99).

  2. Neoplasms (C00–D48).

  3. Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism (D50–D89).

  4. Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00–E89).

  5. Mental and behavioural disorders (F00–F99).

  6. Diseases of the nervous system (G00–G99).

  7. Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H00–H59).

  8. Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (H60–H95).

  9. Diseases of the circulatory system (I00–I99).

  10. Diseases of the respiratory system (J00–J99).

  11. Diseases of the digestive system (K00–K93).

  12. Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00–L99).

  13. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00–M99).

  14. Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00–N99).

  15. Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00–O99).

  16. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00–P96).

  17. Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00–Q99).

  18. Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00–R99, U060, U071, U075).

  19. Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00–T98).

  20. Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z00–Z99) (except dialysis).

  • Hospitalisations with the care types “newborn with unqualified days only” (7.3), “organ procurement - posthumous” (9) or “hospital boarder” (10) were excluded from the analysis.

    • Hospitalisations with a principal diagnosis of dialysis (ICD-10 code Z49) were excluded from the analysis.


Rate (per 1,000) of hospitalisations for selected chronic conditions.

Selected chronic condition categories

  • Asthma

  • Cancer

  • chronic kidney disease (CKD)

  • diabetes

  • mental health

Available by

  • Sex: male, female, persons.

  • Indigenous status: First Nations, non-Indigenous.

Data period

2017–18 to 2021–22

Data sources

  • National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD).

  • ABS population estimates and projections (series B) based on the 2016 Census.

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of hospitalisaitons is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Rates have been suppressed when the denominator is less than 100 due to concerns about data volatility.


  • Data were five financial years combined for persons aged 0-14 years, based on usual residence of the patient – not on location of the hospital.

  • Selected chronic conditions and ICD-10-AM codes:

    • Asthma: principal diagnosis, J45-J46.

    • Cancer: principal diagnosis, C00-C97, D45-D46, Z08; ICD-10 codes at the 4-character level D471, D473-D475, Z510-Z511, Z541-Z542; ICD-10 codes at the 5-character level Z4000, Z4001.

    • Chronic kidney disease: principal diagnosis, E102, E112, E132, E142, I150, I151, N391, N392, D593, B520, E853, T824, T861, Z490, Z940, Z992, I12, I13, N11, N12, N14, N15, N16, N18, N19, N00-N08, N25-N28, Q60-Q63.

    • Diabetes: principal diagnosis, E10-E11, E13-E14.

    • Mental health: principal diagnosis, F00-F99 excluding F525, F842, F985-F986, G300-G301, G308-G309, G470-G472, G478-G479, O993, R440-R443, R448, R450-R451, R454, R480, R481-R482, R488, Z004, Z032, Z046, Z093, Z133, Z502-Z503, Z543, Z619, Z631, Z638-Z639, Z658-Z659, Z714-Z715, Z760.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory, data at the SA4 level were aggregated from Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) by truncating the digits of the SA2 codes. For the Australian Capital Territory, the state and SA4 data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundary.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, data at the IREG level were aggregated from SA2s by using ABS Indigenous population-weighted geographic correspondences. For the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, the state and IREG data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundaries.

  • For the denominator of rates, First Nations population estimates were modelled by the AIHW using ABS population estimates and projections (series B) based on the 2016 Census. Population estimates for non-Indigenous Australians were derived by subtracting First Nations population estimates from the total Australian estimated resident population.

  • Hospitalisations with the care types “newborn with unqualified days only” (7.3), “organ procurement - posthumous” (9) or “hospital boarder” (10) were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations where Indigenous status was not stated (code 9) were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations where the first five digits of SA2 codes were 10702 or 12402 were excluded from the analysis.


Rate (per 1,000) of potentially preventable hospitalisations.

Available by

  • Sex: males, females, persons.

  • Indigenous status: First Nations, non-Indigenous.

Data period

2017–18 to 2021–22

Data sources

  • National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD).

  • ABS population estimates and projections (series B) based on the 2016 Census.

Region types

  • Main structures: Australia, states and territories, Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4).

  • Indigenous structures: Indigenous Regions (IREG).


  • Data have been suppressed to protect confidentiality when the number of hospitalisaitons is less than 5, including the use of consequential suppression to prevent back-calculation.

  • Rates and proportions have been suppressed when the denominator is less than 100 due to concerns about data volatility.


  • Data were five financial years combined for persons aged 0-14 years, based on usual residence of the patient – not on location of the hospital.

  • Potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPHs) were hospitalisations considered to have been avoidable if timely and adequate non-hospital care had been provided, either to prevent the condition occurring, or to prevent the hospitalisation for the condition. PPHs were classified using nationally agreed definitions (AIHW 2022. National Healthcare Agreement: PI 18–Selected Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations, 2022. <>).

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory, data at the SA4 level were aggregated from Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) by truncating the digits of the SA2 codes. For the Australian Capital Territory, the state and SA4 data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundary.

  • Except for the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, data at the IREG level were aggregated from SA2s by using ABS Indigenous population-weighted geographic correspondences. For the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, the state and IREG data were identical as they pertained to the same geographic boundaries.

  • For the denominator of the rates, First Nations population estimates were modelled by the AIHW using ABS population estimates and projections (series B) based on the 2016 Census. Population estimates for non-Indigenous Australians were derived by subtracting First Nations population estimates from the total Australian estimated resident population.

  • Hospitalisations with the care types “newborn with unqualified days only” (7.3), “organ procurement - posthumous” (9) or “hospital boarder” (10) were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations where Indigenous status was not stated (code 9) were excluded from the analysis.

  • Hospitalisations where the first five digits of SA2 codes were 10702 or 12402 were excluded from the analysis.


Proportion (%) of First Nations people aged 5-14 who had consulted a health professional in the previous 2 weeks, by provider type.

Provider categories

  • General Practitioner

  • Casualty/ emergency/outpatient/day clinic

  • Dentist (in past 2 years).

Data period


Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) (ABS 2019a, 2019b).

Region types

Main structures: Australia, states and territories.


  • Data have been flagged as use with caution if the margin of error was between 10% and 15%.

  • Data have been suppressed if the margin of error was above 15%, or where a margin of error could not be reliably calculated (see ‘Notes’).


  • Data are based on AIHW analysis of ABS microdata (ABS 2019a).


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2019a) Microdata: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS), 2018–19. Findings based on TableBuilder analysis, ABS website, accessed 20 April 2021.

ABS (2019b) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, ABS website, accessed 20 April 2021.

ABS (2019c) TableBuilder, User Guide – Relative standard error, ABS website, accessed 20 April 2021.

ABS (2019d) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey methodology, ABS website, accessed 5 June 2024.

ABS (2021) Census of Population and Housing: Census dictionary, ABS website, accessed 12 May 2023.

ABS (2022) Census of Population and Housing [TableBuilder], ABS website, accessed 12 May 2023.

ABS (2023) Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, June 2021, ABS website, accessed 25 September 2023.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) & National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) (2020) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework: measure 2.18 Physical activity, AIHW website, accessed 24 November 2022.

AIHW (2023) Health checks and follow-ups for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 20 November 2023.

AIHW (2024) MyHopsitals – About the data, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 9 July 2024.